New Year | New Site !

December 31, 2015


Did you have a Merry Christmas?

I trust you are Fat and Happy after a month of holiday parties!

I really do wish that expression held true.  Especially after a month of self-indulgence!

I spend eleven months out of the year trying to maintain a balanced diet and live by the philosophy ‘everything in moderation’. So honestly, by the time December rolls around, I intentionally forget about the numbers . I mean it just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t at least have one New Year resolution to oust sugar. So bye-bye brown butter cookies for breakfast and hello quinoa pancake topped with a fried egg and avocado.

So forget about Fat and Happy, how about a Happy and Healthy New Year. Those words seem a little more synonymous.

I want to share the new site with you. Yes, it’s a New Year and there’s a New Site! Pitchforks and Pomegranates has evolved. After almost two years of food styling and photography I developed an appetite for more. I want to expand my subject beyond food. Don’t worry, the new site will still have lots of recipes. I am still as passionate about food and gardening as I was yesterday. But I have so much more to share with you. Luke and I have been working together since the conception of McDonagh Construction but this Spring will mark our first design/build project together. So I want to point my camera at home design. We have also tried to carryout our wanderlust since we became self employed so I am hoping to share more of our travels whether near or far. I think I told you back in the Fall that I was selected to be a part of the REAL MT program. It’s an amazing program dedicated to leadership and Montana’s agricultural and natural resources industries. It seems there’s much to talk about after each seminar! And of course, the beautiful place I call home #cooperherefordranch. For one reason or another I don’t share enough about this place.

Ok, so now I am asking you to raise your hand and participate. I want your feedback. I’m not asking you to fill out a survey, just a little conversation. I have been wanting more interaction in the comments section and also on social media so I suppose this is one way to start! Why do you come here? As much as this is my hobby, I value your time and care about what compels you to visit me. Hopefully it’s not just because your family and friends! Well, even if it is, I want to know what keeps your attention. I am still trying to solidify my thesis and am looking for fresh ideas. So if you feel like throwing in your (constructive) two cents on what sort of things I could keep in mind for you, that be just dandy!

Oh and a little further down I have shared a couple things that might motivate you in the New Year and just a couple fun things (period)



I have been practicing more yoga and really feel like its time to make this purchase. Why didn’t I ask Santa?

Not that you need it, but try adding more life to your home. I think I am about to loose a poinsettia that I potted four Christmases ago so I might replace it with a fiddle leaf fig tree! Yes, I kept a poinsettia alive for four years and yes I guess Home Depot ships a live plant to your doorstep. I think I have a little more research to do but if it shows up with more than one leaf I will let you know!

I double dog dare you to try this. OMG, is it even humanly possible? Don’t get me wrong, I run a tight ship but think this list may suit me better this year!

I stumbled across a new word. I think its perfect for the new year.

tacenda (n.) things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over in silence

This is one of the best smelling candles, EVER!

I am kind of a sucker for beauty products so when I came across this article I got a little excited. Just a little. The sunscreen moisturizer and the hair mask being at the top of my list.

I forget where I came across the words below but they are note worthy.

Remember…..Eat Seasonally
Shop at farmers’ markets
Plant a garden
Conserve, compost & recycle
Cook simply
Cook together
Eat together
Remember…..Food is precious.

Happy New Year! Hope your still drinking champagne this morning.

Speaking of champagne, I recently finished reading Circling the Sun and one of the characters said ‘Champagne is absolutely compulsory in Kenya’. I just loved that, I think champagne should be compulsory at the Cooper Hereford Ranch! Oh, and if you haven’t read it, do. It’s probably one of my favorite reads. Not sure if its because the main character is a wild and strong woman or if its because the majority of the book takes place in the African bush. Heck, it could be all the horse training and racing. You know I wanted to be a jockey when I grew up. Whatever, I loved it!

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