Cleanse – Quinoa Veggie Bowl

July 1, 2014

Cleanse-Quinoa Veggie Bowl

About a year and half ago, I committed myself to a cleanse. I gave up dairy, gluten, alcohol, coffee and sugar. And when I say sugar I mean all sugar. So that includes fruit, most condiments, and natural sweeteners like honey. And since that wasn’t enough I decided to even practice food combinations for better digestion, portion control and incorporate fermented foods. Was I crazy. Maybe. But also just highly motivated and was in an unique time of my life that allowed such a change of lifestyle. To my surprise, the cleanse lasted for 5+ months and I adopted many of the healthy habits into my lifestyle. It was hard, no doubt. But I was seeing major results and was addicted to feeling and looking better everyday.

I have been wanting to cleanse again. I have been carrying a couple extra lbs from the South Africa trip and have also been feeling the need to get a better handle on my sugar intake. I know I won’t last 5+ months so I settled on 30 days. And it still took me 2 months to mentally motivate and prepare myself. This cleanse it is not easy, but definitely doable. I mean who likes giving up rhubarb raspberry swirl bread for breakfast?

So I started this cleanse with weaning myself of processed sugar for one week. This helped me ease into the cleanse. Then a week ago I started the rest. This first week wasn’t too bad until I decided to do some baking over the weekend. I made a batch of chewy gooey brownies for my husband and co-worker. Surprisingly enough I had no problem with the brownies. There was no question that those weren’t on the diet! But I had two bananas in the fridge that needed to be desperately mashed into a baked good. I decided I would make some healthy muffins that I would freeze and eat as a snack when I came off the cleanse. The chocolate coffee peanut butter muffins are delicious and the recipe can be found here. They have no processed sugar (just banana and peanut butter), no gluten, and no dairy. Since these are healthy muffins in my mind, I kept thinking I should eat one. Thank God my husband was around this weekend to monitor. All two dozen are safe in the freezer. But now I know, if I bake in these next 20 days. Load it with refined sugar and gluten!

Today is day 10 of the cleanse and I have lost 4 lbs and feel less of an urge to eat chocolate cake for breakfast. On Instagram, I am posting daily photos that promote clean eating and healthy bright living. In doing this cleanse, I am hoping to inspire others to join #kateschallenge to feel and look their best.


There is nothing original about quinoa and veggies but I promise you this dressing is something special. It’s completely natural with no sugar. And trust me, you can’t buy that in your local grocer. You may have extra dressing when you make this recipe but I found it equally appetizing on a chicken salad. Plus this recipe abides by all the rules of the cleanse.

Quinoa Veggie Bowl / serves 4

2 bell peppers (I used 1 red and 1 yellow)
1 sweet or yellow onion
2 celery ribs
2 carrots
1/4 c each of red and white quinoa
1-2 Tbs. high heat oil


3 limes
1-inch piece of ginger
1-2 garlic cloves depending on your taste
1/4 tsp. curry powder
1 Tbs. Bragg’s liquid aminos
1/4 c. olive oil
Salt to taste

Cook quinoa per instructions. I used 1 c. of water for the 1/2 c. of quinoa.

While quinoa is cooking, make dressing. In a bowl, juice limes and grate ginger and garlic. Add curry powder, Braggs, and salt. Give a whisk and then whisk in olive oil.

Wash and slice onion, celery and peppers. Slice all veggies to a similar thickness. Add high heat oil to wok. I used a spicy macadamia nut oil. Heat on high and add veggies. Cook until veggies are tender crisp.

Peel carrots, add quinoa to veggies and pour dressing to taste.

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