Pistachio Macarons with Lemon Swiss Buttercream

March 24, 2013

Easter Sunday is around the corner and I hope you find yourself remembering the joys of childhood while cultivating fresh and youthful traditions.

Baskets. Bunnies. Eggs. Fancy and frilly dresses. Jelly Beans. Peeps. Pastels. Tulips.


I thought I would share a couple photos from my first endeavor wearing the hat of French pastry chef. the confectionery. the macaron. Although there is much debate whether this sweet meringue-based cookie’s origin is French or Italian. To me, macarons and French Patisseries are synonymous with one another.


I hope these photos might inspire you before Easter Sunday. Provoke you in the kitchen or perhaps through the doors of a patisserie. Whether yours or theirs this cookie is mildly moist and can’t help to melt in your mouth. It should be shared across the table with friends and family. And known to be presented in so many shades of pinks, purples, blues and greens I can’t help to think it’s the perfect Easter treat. READ MORE

No Frills Risotto

March 17, 2013

Sometimes it’s the simplest of dishes that keep me coming back for seconds.

No Frills Risotto

I modeled this risotto after the simplicity of one of my favorite classic Italian dishes.
cacio de pepe…cheese and pepper

I decided to make a couple substitutions and additions. Instead of noodles. Arborio rice. And I added some spunk.  The fresh and acidic tones of lemon. And since this dish is practically synonymous with Pecorino Romano. The sharp flavor is a must. Don’t be stingy!


Lavender and Sea Salt Shortbread Cookies

February 25, 2013

My friend introduced me to this shortbread cookie. And she added buckwheat flour and lavender to make it even more delicious.


The original recipe calls these cookies Mexican Wedding Cakes. First image that comes to mind is a round, white flour cookie coated in powdery sugar. Right? But since many countries have their own variation on this treat perhaps this is just that. Another variation. Heart shape. Buttery. Rich with nuts. Sweet and salty. And suitably rustic with whole grains. But whatever origin or variation, this treat is most always rolled twice in powdery sugar after baking, very simple to make, and worth every crumb.




This cookie was one of two cookies boxed for my Valentine in days passed. The other, was a macaron. The kind your eyes would feast on in a French patisserie. We enjoyed this versatile cookie in the morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening. But it most always was accompanied with chit chat and tea. And even though crumpets are the quintessential afternoon tea treat I manage to create a variety of niceties. This shortbread cookie with lavender and sea salt at the top of my list. READ MORE

Chicken Noodle Soup

February 18, 2013

For those of you who need help fighting the winter blues. Chicken noodle soup with a little something special. Homemade buckwheat noodles.


Could one ask for a brighter and warmer holiday weekend in a month where some states still look white and cold? Sunday’s temperature reached 70 degrees. I spent the morning like this. Sipping a velvety cappuccino and chit chatting with friends. Meandering through the farmer’s market sampling cheeses and sorting through produce. The afternoon entailing bicycles and milkshakes. But today was different. The leaves rustled and the cool breeze carried a dampness that is sure to develop into drops. So I bring to you something warm and comforting.

I pretty much survive on soup through the winter months. It is nutritious, comforting, easy and delicious. But these warm sunny days bring new dishes with them. So I thought I ought to accommodate tomorrow’s weather with a warm bowl of chicken and noodles. So I hope I am not too late to entice you into the kitchen for a wintery recipe. READ MORE

Lemony Tartlets

February 15, 2013

This silky lemony tartlet with perfect notes of pistachio is quite simply a morning celebration to call you from your slumber.



Sweets for breakfast. Yes, one of my vices.

Now. I do not underestimate the existence of energy derived from a healthy breakfast. After all. Breakfast is the fuel that runs my engine for hours to come. So. Most mornings breakfast is nutritious. Blueberries, kefir, and toasted walnuts. Quinoa pancakes with a fried egg and avocado slices. Or creamy peanut butter spread on Ezekiel bread topped with applesauce and ground flax seed.

I can be quite predictable when it comes to breakfast. And I rely on the seasons to refresh my palette. But one things with little revision is my cup of black tea with the perfect proportions of honey, cinnamon, and coconut milk. What is it that makes a spot of tea or a cup of joe so irresistible in the morning? The jolt of caffeine? Certainly.  But I think it is something more. For me, maybe its a reminder to take a few moments of quite and calm while i sip before me mind scurries from lists to meetings to deadlines.

But now and then I like to indulge my morning with something unexpected and sweet. A piece of warm pie, rich dark chocolate cake or in this case a silky lemony tartlet with perfect notes of pistachio. A little zing, first thing in the morn, to awaken my senses.

All that Citrus

February 7, 2013

Messy. Sticky. Sunny. Sweet. Tangy. Juicy. This was my afternoon.




A friend of mine just harvested citrus from the trees in her backyard. Lucky for me, her baskets overfloweth and I reaped the benefits… buckets and buckets of grapefruits, lemons and oranges. YUM.

Now the trick is consuming it all in a timely fashion. Time to squeeze, zest, juice and puree.

Here’s what I’m thinking…
Zesty lemon sugar cookies. Tangy grapefruit cocktails. Lemon curd spread on morning toast. Citrus salsa for pulled pock tacos. Orange slices for salads. And let’s not forget one of my ultimate favorites, a delectable LEMON TART. The options are endless.

If there is one ingredient I always have on hand in my kitchen, its lemons. I use them for both baking and cooking. And I love “fresh” lemons. So in between citrus seasons I rely on my stocked freezer. I like to freeze the juice in ice cube trays and glass jars. A cube is the perfect amount, and most convenient way to brighten any recipe.

If you’re like me, an hour of juicing requires two hours of cleaning. More times than not, my kitchen gets thrashed. Pulp stuck in nooks and crannies. Sticky floors and handles. Recently, I dropped my juicer top and splattered pulp and juice all over the floor. Uggghhh… So, I decided to take my juicing outside this year. Enjoy the sunshine. I set up a nice little work station on the backyard patio. With a hose bib conveniently located for “clean up”, juicing was a breeze. So, now there’s no excuse. Get your Cs and fight off those winter colds!




Frisée Salad with a Poached Egg

January 22, 2013

Don’t miss the citrus season.

Frisee Salad with Poached Egg

I was on a walk this last weekend enjoying the sun’s presence. Like many of you, perhaps, its been awhile since I strolled amongst the sun’s rays and felt the warmth on my skin. Don’t get me wrong. I do love the winter months. Soups. Teas. Fur Blankets. Cozy Sweaters. Just to name a few.

But it’s still winter. And one of my favorite things about the winter season in California is the abundance of fresh citrus. Take a minute. Look around. It’s everywhere. Lucky for me, while on my walk I found a beautiful, lone orange, fallen from its tree. It was either me or the squirrels. So I crammed it in my coat pocket and within a minute knew exactly how to use it. The perfect complement to the tasty salad I had in mind. READ MORE

Spicy Black Bean & Sweet Potato Chili

January 14, 2013

with, of course, COOPER BEEF!


Who doesn’t love a bowl of chili on cold rainy day?


Who doesn’t love a bowl of chili any day?

Juicy beef. Earthy sweet potato. Silky black beans. This chili will not disappoint. And just like lasagna, it’s even better the next day.

You can easily convert this recipe to a vegetarian chili. Simply eliminate the ground beef and substitute vegetable broth for beef broth. I of course, love beef and think it adds a plethora of flavor. READ MORE

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