Lemony Chicken Orzo Soup

May 20, 2014

I know soup season is over but May weather in Montana is unpredictable. Mother Nature surprised me with 2 to 3-inches of snow a couple weeks ago and as of late, afternoon thunderstorms have set the mood for a warm bowl of lemony soup.

lemony chicken orzo soup

My mother was on vacation last week so my Dad was a frequent visitor around lunch or dinner time. He would call Kels and I, ask what was cooking, and then weighed his options. I was making this soup when he called the other day. Dad is a big fan of chicken noodle so I knew this variation would be a hit. Even with the orzo this soup is incredibly light with lots of fresh herbs and citrus. Perfect for a rainy Spring day!

Lemony Chicken Orzo Soup

1 red onion
1 large carrot
3 celery sticks
1 jalapeño and seeds
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp tarragon
4 garlic cloves
2 lemons
Handful of fresh basil and thyme
1 quart chicken stock
1/2 c. orzo

Dice all vegetables. In a stock pot heat 2 tbs olive oil over medium-high heat and sauté vegetables until tender. Add the s&p, garlic, tarragon, zest of lemon and chicken to the vegetables. Continue to saute until chicken is cooked through. Shred chicken and then add chicken stock, lemon juice and chopped fresh herbs.
Cook orzo per package instructions until al dente. Add cooked orzo to soup.
Bring soup to a boil and then simmer until ready to serve. Garnish with avocado!

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  • Gayle Zachariasen

    This soup looks delicious. It is really hot out here in Vancouver, WA right now, but next time we get a cold snap, I will try it. Your Mom and I had a lot of fun last week…only wish we had a few more days.

    • Catalog the recipe for a rainy day!
      Mom had a great time too. We have been hearing all about it!

  • Kate, this soup sounds delicious! I suddenly made a barley vegetable soup recently when I learned that an elderly neighbor had been hit by a car in NYC. He has a broken foot (the car stopped on it), but the broken back that was diagnosed at NY Presbyterian Hospital turned out to be in error. He was thrilled to remove his back brace and take a shower. Soup is good any time.

    • How nice of you to make soup for your neighbor! I also agree that soup is good any time! Happy Memorial Day!

  • Maureen

    This looks great!! Even though it is not cold I love to make soup in the summer to take to work. Soup at my 3am lunch time is always good!
    Now I just have to learn how to catalogue all these great recipes.

    • I could live on soup, ask Luke?!
      Let me know if you try it. It would be perfect for your 3 am lunches!
      I am in the process of making improvements to the site. In a week or so you will be able to go to a RECIPES PAGE and click on SOUPS and start trying all sorts of recipes! XO

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